Sunday, July 29, 2012

Digging the Dirt 2012 - Photos
Photos from our excavation at Priory Country Park, 28th & 29th July 2012.

This is the second year SAW has excavated this area, close to the site of a Roman building, as part of the Festival of British Archaeology. Members of the public were able to watch the diggers at work, find out about the reasons for the site selection and see the variety of finds.

Women mattock while men stand.

Revealing a dark deposit.

In addition to finding out about this particular site,visitors could choose to join a guided historical walk around Priory Country Park, led by the archaeologists.

Explaining the site to visitors.

What is it...?
Clearing the site.

Cutting sections through the dark layer.

Oh no! "Roman" plastic! 

Sections cut throughout the dark layer - well done!

Instant site-birthday-cake.

We found some Roman tile and pot.

Washing finds.

The finds-rich dark layer.

Recording the site features. 

Staring to check the levels.

Well done everyone who helped to make this event possible and thanks to all the diggers for their hard work.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

SAW is Digging the Dirt!

Priory Country Park, 28th & 29th July

This Saturday and Sunday, at Priory Country Park, Bedford, as part of the national Festival of British Archaeology organised by the Council for British Archaeology, Saturday Archaeology Workshops children will be extending their excavation close to the recorded site of Newnham Roman villa.

The event is open to the public to visit and runs from 10am to 4pm both days

In addition to the excavation, visitors to the Park can follow an historical guided walk to the Newnham Priory Park site, at 11.00am and 2.00pm both days.

For further information, please contact the Park Rangers on:

Come and see what we've found...! See the dig photos in the gallery. 

Monday, July 16, 2012

Collection Point - Unleash your inner curator at the River Festival

Miniature wooden horse from The Higgins Collections

The River Festival is on the 21st and 22nd July 2012. At this years River Festival we would like your help to choose objects that will be going on display when the museum reopens in Spring 2013

One of the new displays in The Higgins is a very large display case that will hold objects that have been chosen to go on display by members of the public. The information labels will also have been written by those that have chosen the objects. We want people to unleash their inner curator.

We're getting the ball rolling by inviting people to choose the first objects to go on display in the Collection Point case at this year's River Festival.

We will be based close to Castle Mound, from 11 am until 5pm during the festival. Members of the public will have the opportunity to look through a shortlist of objects from the collection, choosing their favourites, some of which will go into the Collection Point case. Everyone who chooses an object will be encouraged to write a display label explaining their choice, to be shown alongside it.

We can't wait to see you there.

Full article: