Monday, April 22, 2013

Success Looming!

 It must be in the genes! Constructing looms and weaving - I wouldn't have thought it was so engaging to contemporary youngsters! But, give them a lovely spring day, some branches, wool and clay 'doughnut-shaped' weights and a little, boy-versus-girl healthy competition and they're away!

Making sure your vertical posts are well anchored and at the same height.

The boys were quicker at trading for the tools -
twenty-first century technology to speed things up!

The girls seemed to appreciate each person's
contribution better than the boys.

Tying leashes to the rear warp threads.

Weaving sunshine. Photographer - Matthew.

The loom boys - well constructed framework
and  threaded.

Some of the loom girls.

An hour and a half later we have two functioning, (but yet to be tested), warp-weighted looms.

Many thanks again to our friends at Priory Country Park, especially Jane Moore, who provided the site and the branches and thanks also to Chris Dobson, historical textiles expert, who gave support, advice and instructions, and doughnuts!.